Main Character:
Name: Maia
Age: 15
P.O.V. = Point of View
3rd person P.O.V|
Maia was still in bed, in the same position as the night before: One arm dangling off of the bed that is over a book that has fallen to the floor. Her legs are sprawled, and she drooled slightly on her pillow.
She stretches and gets up.
"Maia! Come down and eat! Your breakfast is getting cold!" shouted her mom from downstairs.
Maia grunts, then proceeds to lumber out the door in exhaustion. Her mom sees her.
"I've honestly never seen anyone as tired as you right now." Said her mom. She went over to Maia and felt her forehead. She frowns.
"You're not running a fever. What did you do last night?"
Maia grunts again. "I had read alot... I'm not sure till when."
"Well really late by the looks of it." Says her mom. "Your eyes are all bloodshot. Why don't you take a walk? That should wake you up."
Maia nods, grabs a piece of toast, and heads out the door.
Her house is near a forest, so she decides to go for a walk there.
The air is fresh, and the morning frost has mostly melted. It is autumn, and the trees are miraculous shades of red, yellow and green.
Taking a path she is less familiar with, Maia walks slowly, remembering all the landmarks.
Something shines a little deeper in a bush. Maia narrows her eyebrows and walks slowly towards it. Some twigs snap under her shoes as she approaches, echoing throughout the silent forest.
The shiney thing appears to be a strangely shaped rock. Maia looks closer and sees that it's yellow.
That's odd, rocks aren't usually yellow, are they? She thought. She reaches out and touches it...
--CHAPTER TWO--------------
1st Person P.O.V. (Maia's)|
I... I hear birds... And water, too? Where.. Where am I? Ugh, my head.. What happened? ..Oh.. That rock... I touched it. But that's the only thing I remember.
"Excuse me, are you alright?" I hear someone say. It's a girl's voice.
I flutter my eyes open slightly, but they shut again.
"I don't think she's okay, Ilia" Another voice said. This one was a boy's.
Ilia... Where have I heard that name before?
I suddenly feel someone lift me.
"Ilia, go get Epona." I hear the boy say.
The girl, Ilia appearently, splashes away. I am left with the boy stranger. He sighs. A hand touches the side of my face softly.
Okay, I'm officially freaked out now! I don't know where I am, and now someone is touching my face. Why can't I move? I must me mostly unconsious.
I hear a snorting noise coming from in front of me and then I hear someone mumble something.
I was traded to someone, and then they lift me up. Another voice sounds. It's very low, so I'm guessing it's a guy.
"So who do we have here?" the voice askes.
While all this is happening, I've been lifted onto what appears to be this "Epona" with someone sitting behind me.
"We don't know, Father. We found her just lying there." says the girly voice.
"Does anyone have an extra room or something?" asked the boy.
"Hmm, I don't think so... Is your attic area manageable for living, Link?"
I froze. Oh my gosh am I in the Legend of Zelda?! I couldn't be! But that stone... It was yellow. Was that a triforce shape? Oh dear lord, what's going on? Wait- why are they keeping me in an attic?
"I think so. There's some of Epona's old saddles and stuff up there but I can move those to the basement." says the boy, Link I am guessing.
"Okay, then let's go."
The horse, Epona I suppose. sets off for wherever the destination is. What's going to happen now?
Name: Maia
Age: 15

P.O.V. = Point of View
3rd person P.O.V|
Maia was still in bed, in the same position as the night before: One arm dangling off of the bed that is over a book that has fallen to the floor. Her legs are sprawled, and she drooled slightly on her pillow.
She stretches and gets up.
"Maia! Come down and eat! Your breakfast is getting cold!" shouted her mom from downstairs.
Maia grunts, then proceeds to lumber out the door in exhaustion. Her mom sees her.
"I've honestly never seen anyone as tired as you right now." Said her mom. She went over to Maia and felt her forehead. She frowns.
"You're not running a fever. What did you do last night?"
Maia grunts again. "I had read alot... I'm not sure till when."
"Well really late by the looks of it." Says her mom. "Your eyes are all bloodshot. Why don't you take a walk? That should wake you up."
Maia nods, grabs a piece of toast, and heads out the door.
Her house is near a forest, so she decides to go for a walk there.
The air is fresh, and the morning frost has mostly melted. It is autumn, and the trees are miraculous shades of red, yellow and green.
Taking a path she is less familiar with, Maia walks slowly, remembering all the landmarks.
Something shines a little deeper in a bush. Maia narrows her eyebrows and walks slowly towards it. Some twigs snap under her shoes as she approaches, echoing throughout the silent forest.
The shiney thing appears to be a strangely shaped rock. Maia looks closer and sees that it's yellow.
That's odd, rocks aren't usually yellow, are they? She thought. She reaches out and touches it...
--CHAPTER TWO--------------
1st Person P.O.V. (Maia's)|
I... I hear birds... And water, too? Where.. Where am I? Ugh, my head.. What happened? ..Oh.. That rock... I touched it. But that's the only thing I remember.
"Excuse me, are you alright?" I hear someone say. It's a girl's voice.
I flutter my eyes open slightly, but they shut again.
"I don't think she's okay, Ilia" Another voice said. This one was a boy's.
Ilia... Where have I heard that name before?
I suddenly feel someone lift me.
"Ilia, go get Epona." I hear the boy say.
The girl, Ilia appearently, splashes away. I am left with the boy stranger. He sighs. A hand touches the side of my face softly.
Okay, I'm officially freaked out now! I don't know where I am, and now someone is touching my face. Why can't I move? I must me mostly unconsious.
I hear a snorting noise coming from in front of me and then I hear someone mumble something.
I was traded to someone, and then they lift me up. Another voice sounds. It's very low, so I'm guessing it's a guy.
"So who do we have here?" the voice askes.
While all this is happening, I've been lifted onto what appears to be this "Epona" with someone sitting behind me.
"We don't know, Father. We found her just lying there." says the girly voice.
"Does anyone have an extra room or something?" asked the boy.
"Hmm, I don't think so... Is your attic area manageable for living, Link?"
I froze. Oh my gosh am I in the Legend of Zelda?! I couldn't be! But that stone... It was yellow. Was that a triforce shape? Oh dear lord, what's going on? Wait- why are they keeping me in an attic?
"I think so. There's some of Epona's old saddles and stuff up there but I can move those to the basement." says the boy, Link I am guessing.
"Okay, then let's go."
The horse, Epona I suppose. sets off for wherever the destination is. What's going to happen now?