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 #126361  by Falcon
Or an X-Man. Either way, Rogue has made it in to the clan!

Rogue if you could check your PM box and this once you get a chance I'd appreciate it :)

Hip hip hooray!
 #126364  by Zabuza
Welcome Rogue!
 #126365  by Zaluk
 #126366  by Clank
 #126367  by MasterM
 #126370  by Sakito
Congratz rogue!!!!!!!
 #126373  by jawfin
oh great

welcome bud, yadayadayada

I hope your stay with us is as long and as pleasant as the 100 year war

And finally, congratulations :D
 #126375  by Rogue
Thanks all of you for giving me a warm welcome, I am thrill to be part of it :) I'm look forward to see all of you :)
 #126380  by Key
 #126381  by Jato
Always happy to see a new addition, welcome and congrats! :D